Cancelling Subscription
Comprehensive steps to cancel a subscription
When a subscription is canceled, it follows the succeeding steps: |
○ This service uses one month as the unit of the contract period. ○ The procedure for canceling the contracted subscription is based on the section regarding cancellation of the contract conditions agreed upon when applying for the subscription. ○ Any subscription is renewed automatically unless you inform us to cancel. To cancel your subscription, you need to contact us in advance of the desired cancellation date. Please contact us with plenty of time. ○ The latest contract condition can be found as a reference. If the contract terms you have agreed to are different from the latest contract conditions, the latest version is applicable to your contract, unless you and Axelspace agreed to keep the condition as it was. |
Notify to Cancel
○ You can notify to cancel your subscription from the cancel subscription button in the subscription detail. ○ Your cancellation request is processed immediately. Your subscription will be terminated at the end date of the next contract period. |
Subscription Termination
○ When the cancellation request is accepted, the subscription display changes into 'Cancelled’ on the dashboard. ○ After the end of the subscription date, it changes into 'Expired'. ○ Users can still download datasets in their subscribed area one month after the subscription agreement expires. For example, if the subscription ended July 31, they can still access and download images until August 31. |
Last updated: 20211216
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